Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Special Olympics

Special Olympics Arizona is a great organization that I have been involved in for several years.  It provides an opportunity for people with disabilities to participate in various athletic training events and competitions in a variety of sports.  Through this program, athletes develop physical fitness and gain self-confidence.  They also have the opportunity to be part of a team and learn important life skills.

This past weekend I got to participate in a Unified Triathlon at the gorgeous Village at D.C. Ranch in North Scottsdale.  Unified Sports of Special Olympics Arizona partners up athletes with disabilities and athletes without disabilities to train and compete together.  I actually teamed up with one of my awesome students, Mercedes, to complete the running portion of the triathlon (1/2 a mile).  Her brother and sister completed the biking and swimming portions.

Mercedes did a great job!  Even though it was hot, she jogged most of the way (with a few walk breaks) and loved the water station at the half-way point (where we poured our water cups on our heads).  Each athlete received a cool cowbell for completing the race.

Special Olympics provides so many wonderful opportunities for people with disabilities (and without) to be a part of the community and enjoy a healthy, happy life.  Special Olympics Arizona is always looking for volunteers to help with events, act as coaches, or compete on a Unified team.  Click here if you are interested in more information!


  1. Hi Jenna,
    I am Mercedez cousin and I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do for Mercedez. This blog is great.

    Thanks Stephen Cauley
